Shedding Light on the “Dark Night”
“A spiritual dark night vs. darkness in life is differentiated by its origin.” – Debra Black
“A spiritual dark night vs. darkness in life is differentiated by its origin.” – Debra Black
“We celebrate at night so as to bid farewell to the darkness. It cannot prevail. It is destined to be scattered by a Light far more powerful than it is, a Light it must obey, a Light that overwhelms and replaces it.” – Monsignor Charles Pope.
“Since faith is so pleasing to the Lord, He is gracious to give us so many opportunities to show Him our love in the darkness of faith.” – Amy Knight
“I see that God desires that you be despoiled of everything and have no happiness beyond the happiness of doing the Holy Will of the Highest Good, reposing with deep humility on his loving bosom.” -St. Paul of the Cross
Where is Christ after He dies on Friday afternoon and before He rises on Easter Sunday? Monsignor Charles Pope explains.
Seeing and knowing by faith is “obscure” – but how can that obscurity paradoxically help us to see better?
Christ’s delays are always to give a greater gift.
The darkest times are designed to draw us ever closer to God, Dr. Anthony Lilles explains.
Dan and Stephanie Burke give a riveting account of surviving Covid-19.
John’s hurried journey to the empty tomb on Easter morning took him to a greater destination: belief. Monsignor Charles Pope reflects on the Gospel.