Of Friends and Foes: A Homily for the 26th Sunday of the Year
“If someone can drive out demons in Jesus’ name, we ought to praise the Lord! Such a one is not a foe; the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” – Monsignor Charles Pope
“If someone can drive out demons in Jesus’ name, we ought to praise the Lord! Such a one is not a foe; the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” – Monsignor Charles Pope
“What the word divinization attempts to describe is essentially the process of holiness, whereby our human nature becomes transformed by divine grace.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock
“While our lives might not have such visible experiences of God’s Spirit we all have Pentecost moments.” – Thomas Griffin
“Change and revival come through a worthy cause being fought for by virtuous men and women; men and women who see their mission as life or death. They choose to be zealous like Paul, but Paul after Damascus, not before it.” – Thomas Griffin
“There is no union greater or more radical than the oneness between Jesus Christ and his followers who live by grace.” – Fr. James Brent, O.P.
“It is time for everyone in the Church today to wake up to the reality that the first Christians knew so vividly. It is time to become aware of the grace of the Name dwelling in our hearts.” – Fr. James Brent, O.P.
Claire Dwyer talks with Jeff Cavins about how the Bible Timeline and The Bible in a Year began, what God is doing in the Church today, how knowing salvation history can deepen our prayer lives, and some exciting announcements about the future.
An analysis of some of the errors in Fr. Cole’s critique of “The Chosen”.
Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell recounts the story of Cardinal Burke’s recovery and the power of prayer and trust in God.
Priests and laity can help each other along the way of grace in different ways, cooperating so as to refine the the authentic desire to fight corruption within the humanity of the Church.