Category: Church

Mysticism and the Machine: Mysticism and Magisterium Part V

Is the liturgy a grace machine? Fr Angelo Geiger brings the words of Pope Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger) and Cardinal Robert Sarah to bear as he examines this question in part V of his Mystery and Magisterium Series and how the Blessed Virgin Mary is key to better appreciating the sacraments and the liturgy.


The Family as Domestic Church: How She Hands on Faith (Part III of IV)

What does it mean to be prophet and king in the secular world as part of the family as the domestic Church? Liz Estler continues her examination of the family as domestic Church in Part 3 of this four-part series by looking specifically at how parents function as prophets and kings within their domestic Church.


The Family as Domestic Church: How She Hands on Faith (Part II of IV)

What does it mean to be priest, prophet and king in the secular world as part of the family as the domestic Church? Liz Estler continues her examination of the family as domestic Church in Part 2 of this four-part series by looking specifically how parents function as priest within their domestic Church.


Unraveling Yoga Madness

Unraveling Yoga Madness Dan and Melissa discuss concerns and questions that surfaced in response to last week’s episode on Yoga madness where we explored several approaches

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