Category: Authors

The Necessity of Solitary Prayer

“The more generous a person is in prayer, always in obedience to their state of life, the more deeply they will be led into this solitude, where they will seek to be alone with God more regularly.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock


The One Thing Certain in Life

“As I opened the door to leave, her faint but calm voice cried out, ‘Father!’ ‘Yes, sister,’ I said and turned towards her. ‘God is certain, do not be afraid of anything,’ she said.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock


The Power of Our Stories

“I want to personally invite you to join me, Stephanie, and a gifted lineup of speakers and spiritual directors and enter into Holy Week renewed and inspired by the sheer power of story.” – Dan Burke


The Lord Knows Better, In Lent and Always

“That’s when God helped me see what it is that I have been stuck in for as long as I can remember.  Something I have worked on Lent after Lent and even begged God to miraculously take away from me: My habit of being late.” – Christine Rich


What’s Your Root Sin?

“Once I realized that some of my greatest strengths had shadow sides, that pride lurked behind my drive to accomplish even good and holy goals, I was able to finally recognize what my spiritual fathers could see clearly.” – Dan Burke


Community as Healing

“Over the years I have become convinced, both through my own experience as a priest and a spiritual director, that the number one tactic used by the devil towards faithful and devout people is to create division.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock

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