Spiritual Dispositions for Holy Communion
“To be in a state of grace is the minimal disposition necessary to receive holy Communion, but when it comes to receiving Love why would anyone settle for the minimum?” – Fr. James Brent
“To be in a state of grace is the minimal disposition necessary to receive holy Communion, but when it comes to receiving Love why would anyone settle for the minimum?” – Fr. James Brent
“In Knock, Ireland the Mother of God appeared in a simple but profound way…In her silence, she said so much.” – Thomas Griffin
“The [Solemnity] of the Assumption is a strong appeal to us to live ‘ever intent upon heavenly things,’ and not to allow ourselves to be carried away by the vicissitudes and seductions of the world.” – Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen
“The liturgical calendar creates a rhythm for our lives – seasons of feasting and fasting, and entering into prayer with a novena leading up to a feast day within those seasons can help us to encounter these feast days in a more active way.” – John-Paul and Annie Deddens
“The Catholic Church assigns dedications to each month of the calendar year. These dedications give us opportunities to learn more about our Faith and to cultivate greater devotion in our life.” – Sarah Damm
“Far from meaningless, all our struggles and all our little deaths serve a greater purpose, in union with Jesus’ death and Resurrection.” – Kimberly Andrich
“This seasoned exorcist told us that the first spiritual exercise he and the Doloran Fathers give to anyone suffering from spiritual affliction and seeking their assistance is the discipline of praying The Angelus at the three specified times daily.” – Ruth Engelthaler
“Each time you and I receive holy communion, we should expect a new propulsion of love for God to break forth from the depths of our souls, and we should be on the lookout for it.” – Fr. James Brent, O.P.
“The Eucharist makes the presence of Jesus with us a permanent one.” – Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen
Jesus revealed the Trinity and established ties of friendship for us with the Three Divine persons: Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen reflects in this excerpt from his classic Carmelite meditation book “Divine Intimacy”.