Our Lady of Pontmain
‘Our Lady of Pontmain quietly entered into my life this morning quite by happenstance – if there be such a thing, really.” – Denise Trull
‘Our Lady of Pontmain quietly entered into my life this morning quite by happenstance – if there be such a thing, really.” – Denise Trull
“Mary gives us a perfect example of what our relationship with Scripture ought to be. It formed her thinking, her speaking, her praying.” – Gayle Somers
“The dying boy was carried to the pope in the protecting arms of a Christian soldier and Sixtus was able to tell him gently, ‘Tarcisius, Jesus is safe. You can let Him go now.’” – Denise Trull
“Mary, in the exquisite delicacy of her charity, has such a profound sense of the needs of others, that as soon as she hears of them, she acts spontaneously and decisively to bring help.” – Fr Gabriel of St Mary Magdalen
“When you pursue, with all your heart, a life of prayer, then you are following the plot of the story God is telling in your life.” – Glenn Dickinson
“Hence, despite the human affirmation, happiness, and even sense of fulfillment these crowds may have brought to Jesus, there is something and someone greater than all of this: it is the Father and His will.”- Fr. Jeremiah Shryock
“While our lives might not have such visible experiences of God’s Spirit we all have Pentecost moments.” – Thomas Griffin
“Since the Church continues Christ’s work, she needs the same impetus which guided His soul; she needs the Holy Spirit.” -Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen
“Even on this side of paradise, we can give ourselves to Him by emptying ourselves of everything that hinders relationship with Him.” – Amy Knight
“Sarah’s grandmother — surely a devout church lady – one whom I had never met, taught me something: pain can be directed; It can be purpose-filled.” – FB Smit