Spiritual Fathers: Prophets in a Technologized World
“Believers have more of a sense of being caught behind enemy lines. It seems time for fathers to man up and engage the fray.” – Dr. Anthony Lilles
“Believers have more of a sense of being caught behind enemy lines. It seems time for fathers to man up and engage the fray.” – Dr. Anthony Lilles
“Something in us goads against death even as its alienating power threatens all that is most dear to us. How do we find our standing when our hearts are weak?” – Dr. Anthony Lilles
“The wounds of Christ heal our wounds and transform them into new vessels of his love.”- Dr. Anthony Lilles
“We have an enemy who has great interest in keeping our eyes on what appears to be dead and dying but through the stirrings of the Holy Spirit, the Father wants us to see what He is about and through His Son, join in his great work.” – Dr. Anthony Lilles
“As we grapple with the sacredness of life and spiritual poverty as a people, God is also at work, ready to support us when we choose life. He can heal what is wounded. He can make whole what has been shattered.”
— Dr. Anthony Lilles
“How is the Risen Lord present to us? He is not simply present in the world – one presence among other presences. He is present to the world through His mystical body holding the whole world together.” – Dr. Anthonly Lilles
“The sacred has a certain structure – it is structured out of and into silence in a manner that evokes awe and reverence.” – Dr. Anthony Lilles
“Mary’s openness to the blessings of God chart a way forward for humanity toward an eternal sacred order before which the exigencies of each historical moment must yield.” – Dr. Anthony Lilles
“Under the shadow of the Cross, the storm of secularism is not the last word about humanity.” – Dr. Anthony Lilles
“To enter into the Gates of Holiness is to find shelter from the dangerous voids that otherwise haunt our existence.” – Dr. Anthony Lilles