Category: Anthony Lilles

The Living Bread

“Without the bread, without strength for the heart, the journey is too long.” – Dr. Anthony Lilles


Renunciation and Praise

“(St. Elisabeth of the Trinity) understood the connection between renunciation and praise — Praise is the radiance of the splendor of God in a soul, the showing forth of His attributes in the world. In her thought, renunciation creates a precondition that allows such a collaboration with God to be realized.” – Anthony Lilles


Divine Mercy and Habitare Secum

“To learn to live with ourselves – this is to look at those places in our lives in which evil has a foothold and to offer these to God so that we can realize in ourselves how Divine Mercy is the limit of evil.” – Dr. Anthony Lilles


The Victory of the Mother of God

“The Light that shines from the Mother of God reveals the true freedom and warmth of love. Not sentimental well-wishing. Not empty words.” – Dr. Anthony Lilles


These Works of God are Hidden

“We have an enemy who has great interest in keeping our eyes on what appears to be dead and dying but through the stirrings of the Holy Spirit, the Father wants us to see what He is about and through His Son, join in his great work.” – Dr. Anthony Lilles

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