From the Prayer of Quiet to the Spiritual Betrothals: Part 27 Mini-Course on Prayer
David Torkington continues his course with a deeper explanation of the experience of the beginnings of mystical prayer.
David Torkington continues his course with a deeper explanation of the experience of the beginnings of mystical prayer.
Continuing his series on prayer, David Torkington reveals that the inner desert is a place to confront our inner demons.
While Contemplative Prayer is a gift from God, one can seek to pray in a contemplative way. Connie Rossini explains.
David Torkington explores the need to connect the charismatic movement to the contemplative way.
As we begin the spiritual discipline of Lent today, let us reflect on why it is important to unite ourselves to the sufferings of Christ both spiritually and corporeally.
How did the Early Christians endure persecution with such courage? David Torkington explains that they were no strangers to the dark night and daily death to self which prepared many for their martyrdom.
What must we do to achieve union with God?
Today David Torkington continues with the third series of reflections in the Mini-course on prayer, turning his focus to mystical contemplation.
How important are our usual daily duties and obligations? Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen explains in this excerpt from his classic Carmelite meditation book “Divine Intimacy”.
If someone is in perfect union with God, can they still be affected by evil? Find out when Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen reflects in today’s excerpt from his classic Carmelite meditation book “Divine Intimacy”.