Tag: St. John of the Cross

The Bitterness of The Dark Night

“The saint’s insight is that aridity is not a sign of backsliding but of progress; it is exactly that process by which God draws the soul away from childish pleasures to the hard work of purification.” – Glenn Dickinson 


St. Sharbel: Untie the Ropes!

“I willingly reorder so many things in my life and make great sacrifices – but resist and resist letting go of that last thing or two. It’s a false security, rooted in ungodly self-reliance and pride.” – Fr. Derek Sakowski


Visions and Revelations

Visions and Revelations in the Development of the Spiritual Life A brief survey of the evolution of the highest spiritual life in the light of


Solemnity of Corpus Christi

“The solemnity of the Corpus Domini [Body of the Lord] is not just the simple memorial of a historical event which took place almost two thousand years ago at the Last Supper; rather, it recalls us to the ever-present reality of Jesus always living in our midst.” – Fr. Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen


Solemnity of Corpus Christi

Why did Jesus institute the Eucharist? Fr. Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen reflects in this excerpt from his classic Carmelite meditation book “Divine Intimacy”.

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