The Retreat that Never Ends: The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola
“The spiritual life, our relationship with God, is eternal and never-ending. Similarly, the Spiritual Exercises have no ‘end’.” – Debra Black
“The spiritual life, our relationship with God, is eternal and never-ending. Similarly, the Spiritual Exercises have no ‘end’.” – Debra Black
“Many of us will have the opportunity to experience one-time spiritual direction while on retreat. It can be valuable, but there are certain cautions that experienced directors offer about what to expect and how to make the best use of that single meeting.” – Claire Dwyer
Stumped for an unusual Christmas gift? Looking for a special retreat house that is faithful, hospitable and joyful, and can truly draw you, or your loved ones, closer to the Lord? Dan Burke recommends a beautiful little secret place!
What is a dynamic Catholic? To me, these are folks who give all they have to God and neighbor in a way that is energetic,
Dear Father John, Advent is coming! Even from a distance I feel my shoulders tightening up from the stress of all the noise of the
Dear Father John, It has always been my nature to do, do do. I volunteer and serve whenever, wherever I can and have always found
Dear Father John, it has always been my nature to do, do do. I volunteer and serve whenever, wherever I can and have always found