Spiritual Warfare and Discernment of Spirits Pt. 1 – Divine Intimacy Radio
Spiritual Warfare and Discernment of Spirits Pt. 1 – Join Dan and Stephanie as they discuss Dan’s new book and its importance to our spiritual lives.
Spiritual Warfare and Discernment of Spirits Pt. 1 – Join Dan and Stephanie as they discuss Dan’s new book and its importance to our spiritual lives.
The Will of God, Chastity, and Limitations. Join Dan and Stephanie Burke as they discuss these questions and many more on this episode of Divine Intimacy Radio!
David Torkington concludes his series on prayer with an important overview of fundamentals of our faith.
Dark Night of the Soul, and Discerning Consolation. Join Dan and Stephanie Burke as they discuss these questions and many more on this episode of Divine Intimacy Radio!
If Christ is King of the Universe, how is His Kingship enfleshed in us?
If reforms had renewed the practice and teaching of authentic prayer, it could have saved the Church much misunderstanding and grief. David Torkington shares his own experience and illustrates that for us, at least, it is not too late.
Properly receiving the Eucharist, how to be properly disposed of, confessions before or after mass. Join Dan and Stephanie Burke as they discuss these questions and many more on this episode of Divine Intimacy Radio!
Join Dan Burke, Susan Brinkmann, and Connie Rossini as they discuss mindfulness, its history, and why its a problem on this episode of Divine Intimacy Radio.
Connie Rossini takes a close look at why Buddhist practices are incompatible with authentic Christian prayer.
The Mindfulness Myth Part 1 – Join Dan Burke, Susan Brinkmann, and Connie Rossini as they discuss mindfulness, its history, and why its a problem