Tag: Prayer

Flos Carmeli (Flower of Carmel)

“If you want to know how we feel about Mary, our Mother, spend a few minutes reflecting on one of the most beautiful prayers ever written, the Flos Carmeli.” – Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles


The Eyes of the Heart: On Authentic Christian Prayer

“Authentic Christian prayer is a conversation with God that forms the heart to be like His own. It enlightens the ‘eyes’ of our soul. But many spiritualities have crept into the Catholic church that lead one into false and even perilous prayer practices.” – Debra Black


Praying Like Jesus

“When we give Him permission to be center of our universe, as a parent is to a child, then and only then will all be well with us.” – Christine Hanus


The Filial Prayer

“True life is found in living the one prayer that saves the world – the filial prayer of Jesus Christ.”

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