Cult Cultivates Culture: Culling Life’s Mysteries from the Liturgy
How does cult cultivate culture? Find out from liturgy expert Christopher Carstens as he explains how our relationship with God and the liturgy cultivates the culture.
How does cult cultivate culture? Find out from liturgy expert Christopher Carstens as he explains how our relationship with God and the liturgy cultivates the culture.
Why has Pope Francis just instituted a new feast titled “Mary, Mother of the Church”? Find out more about this memorial to be celebrated immediately after Pentecost.
What difference does it make to say that God is a Trinity of Persons? Father John Bartunek introduces his latest retreat guide on the Blessed Trinity.
Christopher Carstens concludes his 3-part series on liturgical conscience with the last six of the ten commandments of the liturgical life.
What are the first five commandments of the liturgical life? And, where can we find them? Christopher Carstens explains these in part two of his three-part series.
Why does the Church see communion on the tongue as the more suitable way of receiving the Eucharist? Find out when Christopher Carstens offers three reflections on Eucharistic Communion, in part two of this two-part series.
Is it healthy to criticize Pope Francis? How much is too much? Therapist Allison Ricciardi, L.M.H.C. reflects on what can come of “prosecuting” the Pope.
What prayer postures are there besides kneeling, standing and sitting? After an introduction from Pope Benedict XVI, Dr. Anthony Lilles summarizes Saint Dominic’s nine ways of prayer.
How important are relationships or activities to our apostolate? Find out when Father John Bartunek answers a question on what the Christian mission should be focused on.
A powerful reflection for the Fourth of July, Dr. Peter Howard has focused away from self-independence to dependence on God, against “freedom from” to “freedom for”.