Tag: Gospel

God Sees Past Our ‘Game Face’

“In spite of our masks, in spite of our attempts to present an image of ourselves that is perfect, or successful, or politically correct, or even holy, Jesus sees through the pretense.” – Fr. John Keehner


Why Do So Few Believe in the Real Presence?

“Catholics do not believe in the Real Presence of the Risen Lord because teachers, ministers, and public voices have winked at evil and rejected the demands of the Gospel. We wanted the comfortable and the reality of this Presence was inconvenient.” Dr. Lilles knocks it out of the park today on the blog.


6 Things Needed for Prayer

St Peter of Alcantara lists six things necessary to prayer in the book Finding God Through Meditation. How can we use these six things to begin a daily prayer routine?


A Holy Week Meditation

A prayerful reading of the Gospels readings on Monday through Wednesday of Holy Week will aid to deepen our contemplation of the Passion of Christ.

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