Merciful Like the Father
“God truly understands how difficult it is for us to be merciful and yet, He still asks it of us. Why?” – Carmelite Sisters OCD
“God truly understands how difficult it is for us to be merciful and yet, He still asks it of us. Why?” – Carmelite Sisters OCD
“The more we suffer from a lack of good fathers in our present age, the more we want to pretend that fatherhood is not important. But what we need is healing from father wounds, not denial.” – Christine Hanus
Joseph Hollcraft explores how his own fatherhood allowed him to understand how to be a true son of God the Father.
In this chapter from “Meditations on the Christ”, Romano Guardini discusses how Christ brought the presence of God the Father to the world.
Happy Father’s Day to all fathers, including Our Father in heaven! A brief reflection on the Our Father’s call to conversion.
I pray and do many good works. But, the labor and work I put into spiritual growth doesn’t seem to get any results. Help!!!!!!
Saint Catherine of Siena spent her life encouraging a deeper obedience to God the Father. Although the earthly life of this Doctor of the Church