Petitionary Prayer
“What would happen if everyone in the Church began offering rosaries, holy hours, novenas, and other sorts of prayers for themselves or their loved ones to grow in sanctifying grace?”- Fr. James Brent
“What would happen if everyone in the Church began offering rosaries, holy hours, novenas, and other sorts of prayers for themselves or their loved ones to grow in sanctifying grace?”- Fr. James Brent
“No one on earth has the power to remove the Eucharist altogether from the face of the earth. Down through the centuries, many tyrants and totalitarian systems have tried, but they have never succeeded.” – Fr. James Brent
“It is high time for all of us to think of ourselves and one another in truly human and personal terms. It is time for us to think of human beings primarily in terms of the heart.” – Fr. James Brent, O.P.
“To be in a state of grace is the minimal disposition necessary to receive holy Communion, but when it comes to receiving Love why would anyone settle for the minimum?” – Fr. James Brent
“From the first moment of conception, something deep is missing from the human soul – something that God meant human beings to receive.” – Fr. James Brent, O.P.
“‘I believe in one baptism for the forgiveness of sins,’ says the Nicene Creed. There is much more packed into that little article of faith than first meets the eye.” – Fr. James Brent, O.P.
“The grace of baptism is the grace to become God-bearers, and the call for us now is to awaken to the grace and live it freely. But how? A stunning example of someone who was fully aware of the indwelling, and taught us how to live consciously and freely according to that grace, is Saint Ignatius of Antioch.” – Fr. James Brent, O.P.
“The Lord has revealed his plan and purpose of making us into his friends. We have no natural ability to be friends of God, and we are weak in every way, but he loves us nonetheless.” – Fr. James Brent, O.P.
“In order to live the spiritual life, in order to come to know, love, and enjoy God himself, the first thing one needs is the light of grace.” – Fr. James Brent, O.P.