St. Francis of Assisi and the Fatherly Blessing
“Underlying these details are the fear and shame and insecurity that Francis still felt. Like all human beings, he needed fatherly blessing, and ached for it.” – Fr. Derek Sakowski
“Underlying these details are the fear and shame and insecurity that Francis still felt. Like all human beings, he needed fatherly blessing, and ached for it.” – Fr. Derek Sakowski
“Believers have more of a sense of being caught behind enemy lines. It seems time for fathers to man up and engage the fray.” – Dr. Anthony Lilles
“Rather than seeking to reclaim authentic fatherhood, many today want to name it as evil.” – Fr. Derek Sakowski
“The more we suffer from a lack of good fathers in our present age, the more we want to pretend that fatherhood is not important. But what we need is healing from father wounds, not denial.” – Christine Hanus
Join Bishop Olmsted and others around the world in meditating on the life of St. Joseph and in joining the Church in prayer on his feast day in the very year dedicated to him.
Joseph Hollcraft explores how his own fatherhood allowed him to understand how to be a true son of God the Father.
There will be times when your daughter will not understand the lessons you are teaching her until much later in life. Teach her anyway.
Editor’s Note: To our heavenly Father and our earthly fathers: Dads, Grandpas, Godfathers, Foster Fathers and Stepfathers a very Happy Father’s Day…and a special Father’s