Contemplative Theology and Highest Wisdom
Dr. Anthony Lilles explains that “true wisdom requires an encounter with the Lord that humbles the intellect and holds every thought captive.”
Dr. Anthony Lilles explains that “true wisdom requires an encounter with the Lord that humbles the intellect and holds every thought captive.”
David Torkington expounds on the difference between authentic Christian contemplation and its counterfeits.
In Union with God, Father Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen lays out for us a time-tested path toward achieving complete intimacy with God, the path first mapped out centuries ago by the Church’s acclaimed master of the contemplative life, St. John of the Cross.
What’s wrong with the phrase “I am a contemplative?” Dan Burke explains.
Contemplative prayer is the powerhouse for the renewal of not only the human heart, but the entire Church, Anthony Lilles reflects.
David Torkington encourages us to persevere in prayer, even in the dry times, for that is the only path into contemplation.
Love is a lightning rod, says David Torkington, igniting a life of contemplative prayer.
Reform in the Church must begin with prayer, just as it did in the early Church, David Torkington reminds us.
Why does God refuse some souls the grace of contemplation?
David Torkington reveals the connection between the Easter mysteries and the mystic way of prayer.