Tag: Advent

The Inn and the Stable

When God came to earth, there was no room in the inn, but there was room in the stable. What lesson is hidden behind the inn and the stable?


The Lord Will Not Delay

What does the Lord invite us to this Advent? Find out when Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen reflects on the Second Sunday of Advent today, in this excerpt from his book “Divine Intimacy”, the Carmelite meditation classic.


The Lord Cometh from Afar

Advent is here! Let us prepare our hearts for the coming of the Lord with this meditation for the first Sunday of Advent, from the Carmelite meditation classic “Divine Intimacy” by Fr Gabriel of St Mary Magdalen.


Seeking God in Faith

What should we base our search for God on? Find out when Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen reflects on the wisdom of Saints like John of the Cross, Teresa of Avila, Therese of Lisieux, in an excerpt from his Carmelite meditation classic “Divine Intimacy”.

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