Sundays 6:30am | 1:30pm | 11pm EST

Illuminating the path to union with God through the light of wisdom of the saints and the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Co-sponsored by EWTN and SPIRITUALDIRECTION.COM, the Divine Intimacy Radio Show is a haven of rest and wellspring of spiritual life for those people seeking intimacy with God and the enlightened path of Catholic mystical and ascetical wisdom. Every week our co-hosts Dan Burke and Stephanie Burke explore topics related to the interior life and Catholic teaching, including prayer, spiritual direction, meditation, contemplation, and holiness.
GREAT NEWS – Divine Intimacy Radio Show and EWTN!
Our radio show can now be heard every Sunday on EWTN Radio every Sunday at 6:30 am, and 11:00 pm Eastern time. We are grateful to EWTN for their support! The show is available through iTunes and Stitcher, and via RSS. Subscribe and join us!
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Latest Episodes

October 23, 2018: Allen Smith, The Cries of Jesus from the Cross
Join Dan Burke and Melissa Elson as they speak with Allen Smith about his book, The Cries of Jesus from the Cross for insight into the life and works of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen. Topics/Questions Covered in the Show: What

October 19, 2018: Q&A – High Calling Program, Holiness, Caring for a Sick Spouse, and the Mass
Join Dan and Stephanie Burke as they answer your questions about the Avila Institute’s High Calling Program, holiness, caring for a sick spouse and talking during Mass. Topics/Questions Covered in the Show: What is the Avila Institute’s High Calling Program?

October 16, 2018: Resources Edition – Dr. Gerard Verschuuren, 40 Anti-Catholic Lies, Part 7
Are Catholics obligated to believe in apparitions? Is salvation possible outside of the Catholic Church? Join Dan and Stephanie Burke in part seven of a series of interviews with Dr. Gerard Verschuuren about his book, Forty Anti-Catholic Lies, to shed light on these questions about the Faith.

October 12, 2018: Q&A – Contemplation, the Presence of God, Holy Marriage, and Penance
Join Dan and Stephanie Burke as they answer your questions about contemplative prayer, practicing the presence of God, living out a holy marriage, and performing penance.

October 9, 2018: Resources Edition – Dr. Gerard Verschuuren, 40 Anti-Catholic Lies Part 6
Why do Catholics focus so much on the crucifixion instead of the resurrection? Why do they claim to eat Jesus’ body and drink His blood during the Mass? Join Melissa Elson in part six of a series of interviews with Dr. Gerard Verschuuren about his book, Forty Anti-Catholic Lies, to shed light on these questions about the Faith.

October 5, 2018: Q&A – Conversation with God, Spiritual Gluttony, and the Timeline of Spiritual Progress
Join Dan and Stephanie Burke as they answer your questions about prayer, distractions at Mass, conversation with God, spiritual gluttony and the timeline of spiritual progress. Topics/Questions Covered in the Show: What does “let us bless the Lord” mean the

October 2, 2018: Resources Edition – Dr. Gerard Verschuuren, 40 Anti-Catholic Lies, Part 5
Do Catholics really worship statues and live by rituals? Join Dan Burke and Melissa Elson in part five of their interview with Dr. Gerard Verschuuren about his book, Forty Anti-Catholic Lies to debunk these myths.

September 28, 2018: Q&A – The Dark Night, Contemplatio, Meditating on the Rosary
Join Dan and Stephanie Burke as they answer your questions about the dark night of the soul, lectio divina, concentration during prayer and the differences between the purgative and illuminative stages of prayer.

September 25, 2018: Resources Edition- James Day, Father Benedict
What was significant about the papacy of Pope Benedict XVI and what should we take away from his years as our pontiff? Join Dan Burke and Melissa Elson as they speak with author, James Day about his book, Father Benedict to address these questions and more.

September 21, 2018: Q&A – The Writings of St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross, Overcoming Habitual, Mortal Sin, and Desire for Prayer
Join Dan and Stephanie Burke as they answer your questions about delving into the writings of St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross, overcoming habitual, mortal sin, and the desire for prayer.