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Awakening The Awareness of the Divine in Your Life

awakening the awareness of the Divine in your lifeJoin Dan Burke and guest host, Stephanie Burke, as they speak with Fr. William Watson about awakening the awareness of The Divine in your life.

Topics/Questions Covered in the Show:

  • What is the purpose of the Forty Weeks book and retreat?
  • How will an emphasis on confession and self-examination assist one in his or her journey to God?
  • How was St. Ignatius awakened to God’s presence in his life?
  • What is the idea behind The Whole-Life Confession?
  • How can The Whole-Life Confession help us during Lent?


What is Divine Intimacy Radio?

The Divine Intimacy Radio Show is a haven of rest and wellspring of spiritual life for those seeking intimacy with God and the enlightened path of Catholic mystical and ascetical wisdom. Every week, Dan Burke and Melissa Elson explore topics related to the interior life and Catholic teaching, including prayer, spiritual direction, meditation, contemplation, and holiness.

Divine Intimacy Radio Show and EWTN!

This radio show can also be heard every Sunday on EWTN Radio, Sundays at 6:30 am1:30 pm, and 11:00 pm Eastern time. We are grateful to EWTN for their support!

Please click on the links below to listen to this week’s show! Don’t forget to tell your friends about the show and help us get the word out. Click HERE for mobile devices or on the links below to listen to the show: