Liz Estler

Liz holds a Master of Arts in Ministry Degree (St. John’s Seminary, Brighton, Massachusetts), Graduate Certificate in Spiritual Theology (Avila Institute for Spiritual Formation), Liturgy Certificate (Boston Archdiocese), and a BS degree in Biology and Spanish (Nebraska Wesleyan University – Lincoln). She has served as hospital chaplain associate, sacristan, translator and in other parish ministries. She was a regular columnist for a military newspaper in Europe, has been published in a professional journal, and was Editor, from 2013 to 2018. She once waded in the Trevi Fountain!

Articles By Liz Estler

Solemnity of the Nativity of Our Lord (Christmas)

“Christ is born for us; come, let us adore him.” (Invitatory Antiphon for Christmas Day, Liturgy of the Hours) “Today our Savior is born; let us rejoice. Sadness should have no place on the birthday of life… Christian, remember your dignity, and now that you share in God’s own nature, do not return by sin


Veni Creator Spiritus “Come, Creator Spirit” English & Latin

Come, O Creator Spirit, visit our minds. Fill with your grace the hearts you have created. O you who are called Paraclete, gift of the Most High God, living spring, fire, love, anointing of the soul. Finger of God’s right hand, the Saviour’s promise, send forth your seven gifts, stir in us the word. Be


Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception (Transferred)

Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception “The Feast of the Immaculate Conception is in perfect harmony with the spirit of Advent; while the soul is preparing for the coming of the Redeemer, it is fitting to think of her, the all-pure one, who was His Mother. The very promise of a Savior was joined to, or


The Solemnity of All Saints

  Today, November 1st, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of All Saints. Who are these “Icons of Human Love,” as Father Thomas Dubay, S.M. called them in Saints: A Closer Look? They are those “who have lived upon earth as we have, who have known our miseries, our difficulties, our struggles,” writes Father Gabriel of


Prayer to Our Lady, Undoer of Knots

Prayer to Our Lady, Undoer of Knots O Virgin Mary, Mother who never refuses to come to the help of your children in need, Mother whose hands never stop working for the welfare of your children, moved as they are by the loving mercy and kindness that exists in your Immaculate Heart, cast your compassionate


“The Better Part” Now in Spanish!

 “The Better Part” now in Spanish! “La Mejor Parte” libro del Padre Bartunek, se puede conseguir ahora ¡en español! Ud. puede leer la descripción como se detalla a continuación. Father Bartunek’s book is a Christ-centered resource for daily meditation. Contained therein is a Bible study on the Gospel of St. John, a survey of saints’


Introducing Diana von Glahn

Today, we are most excited to introduce Diana von Glahn. She is an author, writer, editor, host and, with her husband David, co-producer of the EWTN series “The Faithful Traveler.” She adds another dimension to our Roman Catholic Spiritual Direction site by expanding how we think about and practice our faith, particularly with regard to


Trabajando para Reflejar el Imagen de Dios en Si Mismo

La Iglesia afirma que la sociedad tiene que mantener la dignidad de la persona humana quien está hecha a imagen y semejanza de Dios. No se supone que individuos fueron hechos para vivir solos. A propósito, la enclí­clica Rerum Novarum del Papa León XIII llamó a los ricos y patronos a respetar a todos, “como


Laboring to Image God

The Church maintains that society must uphold the dignity of the human person who is made in the image and likeness of God. Individuals are not meant to live in isolation. To that end, Pope Leo XIII’s 1891 Encyclical Rerum Novarum called owners and employers “to respect in every man his dignity as a person


Moments of Grace: Reconciling with God

While working as a Chaplain Associate a few years ago, I visited “Joe” in his hospital room. He stopped drinking about ten days before but was getting very sick. “Drinking is stupid,” he said, “I never used to drink. One day I had a little bit, and then a little more and then I was