Fr. Jeremiah Shryock CFR

Fr. Jeremiah Myriam Shryock CFR, is from Barto, PA, and entered the Community of Franciscan Friars of the Renewal in 2002. He was ordained a priest in 2011 by Cardinal Timothy Dolan in St. Patricks’ Cathedral in New York City and several years later completed studies in spiritual direction at Our Lady of Divine Providence School of spiritual direction in Clearwater, FL. Throughout his time as a Franciscan, he has participated in his community’s charism of hands-on work with the poor and preaching, while also directing and preaching retreats all across the country and serving as a spiritual director. He currently lives in San Juan Diego Friary in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He is author of Amid Passing Things: Life, Prayer, and Relationship with God, Mary and the Interior Life, and Let Him Lead: Following Jesus in the Gospels (2025).

Articles By Fr. Jeremiah Shryock CFR

Hating Our Life

“Hence, despite the human affirmation, happiness, and even sense of fulfillment these crowds may have brought to Jesus, there is something and someone greater than all of this: it is the Father and His will.”- Fr. Jeremiah Shryock


Following Jesus to Eternity

“Ultimately, we must leave the comfort and even the consolation of books, retreats, and spiritual conversations, and follow Christ wherever and however he is leading us.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock


The Necessity of Solitary Prayer

“The more generous a person is in prayer, always in obedience to their state of life, the more deeply they will be led into this solitude, where they will seek to be alone with God more regularly.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock


The One Thing Certain in Life

“As I opened the door to leave, her faint but calm voice cried out, ‘Father!’ ‘Yes, sister,’ I said and turned towards her. ‘God is certain, do not be afraid of anything,’ she said.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock


Community as Healing

“Over the years I have become convinced, both through my own experience as a priest and a spiritual director, that the number one tactic used by the devil towards faithful and devout people is to create division.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock


The Self I Must Deny

“It would be impossible to underestimate how revolutionary this way of thinking is and how contrary it is to the way of the world. For a Christian, one’s true self, their ultimate identity, has nothing to with one’s career, social status, ethnicity, or the many other external things the world often associates to be part of one’s identity, i.e., their true self.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock


The One Thing Necessary

“For each one of us to better assess the degree of love that may be present or absent in our life, I would like to propose a short examination for us regarding three areas of our life: prayer, relationships, and work.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock


What Matters Most

“How pure is my faith?  How confident is my hope?  How selfless is my love?  The honest answer to these questions will reveal to us where we are, really, in our relationship with God.”- Fr. Jeremiah Shryock, CFR


The World is Never Enough

“I smiled at him and said as compassionately as I could, ‘This world is never enough, and it never will be.’” – Fr. Jeremiah Shyrock

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