The Secret of Mary (Part 3)
“Throughout the entire history of Christianity, there has never been a saint, and there never will be a saint, who has had only a moderate love for Mary.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock
“Throughout the entire history of Christianity, there has never been a saint, and there never will be a saint, who has had only a moderate love for Mary.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock
“Mary’s purpose is not only to give birth to Jesus and then disappear into the annals of history.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock
“What is true for us in our natural life in this world, is also true regarding our relationship with God: we need a mother to give us life, nurture us and form us.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock
“The Christian life, because of the reality of the Divine Indwelling, is more about unpacking than packing.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock
“To experience the reality of Baptism and all its fruits, including the Divine Indwelling, one must live out their baptism as fully and as deeply as possible.”- Fr. Jeremiah Shryock
“Whatever we find “out there,” even what we find “out there” that is of God, is never enough.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock
“By realizing where God dwells, namely within us, St. Elizabeth of the Trinity is teaching us something that is crucial for our spiritual life: namely, that the spiritual life is ultimately an inside job.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock
“The busier one is, especially in ministry, the more that person needs to sit at the feet of Jesus every day and allow the presence of Jesus and his word to evangelize them.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock
“Their life as it really was, was not an obstacle to their union, and neither is our life, as it really is, an obstacle to our union with God.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock
“What the word divinization attempts to describe is essentially the process of holiness, whereby our human nature becomes transformed by divine grace.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock