Fr. James Brent O.P.

Father James Dominic Brent, O.P. is a Dominican Friar who lives and teaches at the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, DC. He is the author of The Father’s House: Discovering Our Home in the Trinity. He posts select homilies, spiritual conferences, interviews, and radio spots on on his personal Soundcloud site. He frequently lectures for the Thomistic Institute, and appears on Aquinas 101.

Articles By Fr. James Brent O.P.

On Meditation

“Is God done raising up men and women of great prayer in his Church? Is a life devoted to meditation on the Word of God a thing of the past?” – Fr. James Brent


Lectio Divina

“What the monks learned by experience was that such practices prepare the mind to receive special illuminations from Holy Spirit for purposes of understanding Scripture.” – Fr. James Brent


Petitionary Prayer

“What would happen if everyone in the Church began offering rosaries, holy hours, novenas, and other sorts of prayers for themselves or their loved ones to grow in sanctifying grace?”- Fr. James Brent


The Life of Prayer

“To remain in the state of prayerfulness, to abide in the loving awareness of the presence of God, is the dream of every contemplative soul.” – Fr. James Brent


The Sacrament of Charity

“No one on earth has the power to remove the Eucharist altogether from the face of the earth. Down through the centuries, many tyrants and totalitarian systems have tried, but they have never succeeded.” – Fr. James Brent


The Pathos of the Heart

“It is high time for all of us to think of ourselves and one another in truly human and personal terms. It is time for us to think of human beings primarily in terms of the heart.” – Fr. James Brent, O.P.


Behold the Lamb of God

“I asked myself: how many times have I lifted up the Lamb without really realizing what I was doing or saying?” – Fr. James Brent, O.P.


Spiritual Dispositions for Holy Communion

“To be in a state of grace is the minimal disposition necessary to receive holy Communion, but when it comes to receiving Love why would anyone settle for the minimum?” – Fr. James Brent


The Effects of Holy Communion

“Each time you and I receive holy communion, we should expect a new propulsion of love for God to break forth from the depths of our souls, and we should be on the lookout for it.” – Fr. James Brent, O.P.


Participation in the Sacrifice

“One of the most basic functions of Christians in the world is to plead with God and call down graces upon people, and the best place to do so is together in the celebration of the Eucharist.” – Fr. James Brent, O.P.

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