Cult Cultivates Culture: Culling Life’s Mysteries from the Liturgy
How does cult cultivate culture? Find out from liturgy expert Christopher Carstens as he explains how our relationship with God and the liturgy cultivates the culture.
How does cult cultivate culture? Find out from liturgy expert Christopher Carstens as he explains how our relationship with God and the liturgy cultivates the culture.
Christopher Carstens concludes his 3-part series on liturgical conscience with the last six of the ten commandments of the liturgical life.
What are the first five commandments of the liturgical life? And, where can we find them? Christopher Carstens explains these in part two of his three-part series.
What is this thing called liturgical conscience? Christopher Carstens introduces this topic, and how to examine it, in part one of his three-part series.
Why does the Church see communion on the tongue as the more suitable way of receiving the Eucharist? Find out when Christopher Carstens offers three reflections on Eucharistic Communion, in part two of this two-part series.
Why might communion on the tongue be more reverential of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament than receiving in the hand? Find out as Christopher Carstens begins a two-part series exploring the theological significance of receiving the Eucharist on the tongue.