Do Lay People Pray the Liturgy of the Hours?
Do Lay People Pray the Liturgy of the Hours? If yes, why? If not, why should they? Fr. Timothy Gallagher has these answers.
Do Lay People Pray the Liturgy of the Hours? If yes, why? If not, why should they? Fr. Timothy Gallagher has these answers.
Why is Baptism so significant? Is it the most important Sacrament? Author Rose Rea beautifully captures the authenticity of this Sacrament.
Beauty, Virtue, & the Passions. What is their relation to each other and how do I understand and make the most of my own?
Do you fear death? Is the thought of heaven farfetched? How do we grasp the splendor of Heaven from earth?
Ordinary Catholics from the wealthiest financial sectors of Wall Street evangelize their wary New York neighbors.
“No one wins a victory without fighting, nor finds rest without working.”
Why is my mind too often overcome by uneasiness and distress? How do I cope with this? Is there a Saintly Solution?
Need a daily source of comfort & encouragement particularly during this Lenten season? “Day by day” is your aid!
“Lent.” What do we make of it and How do we make the Most of it? The answer is simple and yet very rewarding.
What is Limbo and did it or does it still exist? Fr. Michael Kerper, author of “A Priest Answers 27 Questions” has the answers.