Several years ago I was at a school assembly when a fellow teacher was describing his morning prayer routine on the way to work. He said that he prayed the Rosary every morning during his drive. He decided to make this commitment because he felt invited to make the drive more about God. He wanted to give the space to silence and to prayer. This teacher described to the entire assembly that he felt changed by this commitment.

He was more patient with others, he said, was more interested in spending more time in prayer in his free time, and felt closer to Mary. He was more able to understand her heart and more able to experience the love that she had for him. Truly, the Blessed Mother became more real for him because he made the choice to spend that time with her.

Upon hearing these words I was convicted to make my drive devoted to the Rosary. I would occasionally pray it before,  but not as a staunch commitment. Entering into this silence and growing in my relationship with Mary has been so profound ever since.

While it may be more ideal to pray the Rosary in the quiet of a chapel, church, or one’s room I have found that this rosary while I drive really sanctifies my morning. I start with intentions for my family and I ask that I may have the mindset of Mary as I enter my day. This simple disposition before beginning has helped to see the events of Jesus’ life through the eyes of the Blessed Mother.

I have found myself wondering and contemplating how she would have looked at the newborn Jesus in the manger, how she would have been devastated at the foot of the cross, and how she walked over to her Son at the wedding feast asking for a miracle. I have become so much more aware of my need to see Mary as someone who accompanied Jesus and as someone who travels with me like any good mother.

If you are like me, you always know that you could probably do a better job in reaching out to your earthly mom–calling her and sending her more messages as a way to show her that you are always thinking about her and that you desire to convey your love. When we pray the Rosary, we are picking up the phone and calling our Heavenly Mother. Making the commitment to do so more often is like saying that you are going to spend more time with her.

I have also found that this daily time with Mary has made me more appreciative of the mother figures in my own life. I recognize that the way that Mary journeyed with her Son is how my own mom has been there for me. Every step of the way, through the many twists and turns of life she has remained steadfast in her loving presence. She consistently takes care of me, checks in with me and travels through the challenges of life with me. Through it all, my mom transmits the motherly way of Mary.

In spending more time with Mary in the Rosary I have also come to realize the way that Joseph must have loved her and how that comes out in my own marriage. I see more clearly that the way that my wife, Joanna, takes care of our three children and the countless sacrifices she makes for our family makes Mary smile. I have come to offer my Rosary for my own family because I have come to see just how close Mary desires to be in our marriage and guide our parenthood.

All of these realizations began with the witness of a man at a school assembly. It began with his willingness to commit to Mary and share that with others.

On this month that we honor Our Lady of the Rosary, may we all make a stronger commitment to spend more time with the Blessed Mother and may we be more amazed by the way she is working in our lives, and not be afraid to encourage others to do the same.


Photo by Anna Hecker on Unsplash.

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