Keep Your Head in the Clouds
“We can and should allow the Feast of the Assumption to inspire in us a desire to imitate the saints’ focus on that which is ‘not of this world.'” – Thomas Griffin
“We can and should allow the Feast of the Assumption to inspire in us a desire to imitate the saints’ focus on that which is ‘not of this world.'” – Thomas Griffin
“Our sins do not disqualify us from becoming saints, they serve as the soil for the conversion that Jesus wants to work in us.” – Thomas Griffin
“While our lives might not have such visible experiences of God’s Spirit we all have Pentecost moments.” – Thomas Griffin
“Our mission from God is found in the commitments we currently find ourselves in. Other attempts to try and figure out God’s will are simply a fight against receptivity.” – Thomas Griffin
“If I am honest, the peak of Holy Week is profound but once Easter Sunday ends I go back to normal. This year, I am attempting to make that different.” – Thomas Griffin
“The holiest season of the year is upon us and we are being offered something that is beyond measure.” – Thomas Griffin
“Anthony’s call was unique. It was special. But so is yours.” – Thomas Griffin
“In this new year, let us make room for Him through a strong commitment to daily prayer above everything else.” – Thomas Griffin
“It was not that I doubted the importance of the Mother of God on our faith; I simply never experienced her. That all changed when we arrived on the holy ground of this Marian apparition.” – Thomas Griffin
“He does not reflect and he does not give Christ’s invitation a chance to settle in – he simply decides immediately that this is not worth it. His possessions were his non-negotiables instead of his faith.” – Thomas Griffin