Thomas Griffin

Thomas Griffin is the chair of the Religion Department at a Catholic High School on Long Island where he lives with his wife and two sons. He is the author of Let Us Begin: Saint Francis’s Way of Becoming Like Christ and Renewing the World. He is also the founder and editor-in-chief of Empty Tomb Project: The Magazine.

Articles By Thomas Griffin

Keep Your Head in the Clouds

“We can and should allow the Feast of the Assumption to inspire in us a desire to imitate the saints’ focus on that which  is ‘not of this world.'” – Thomas Griffin


The Peter and Paul Effect

“Our sins do not disqualify us from becoming saints, they serve as the soil for the conversion that Jesus wants to work in us.” – Thomas Griffin


Let the Fire Fall

“While our lives might not have such visible experiences of God’s Spirit we all have Pentecost moments.” – Thomas Griffin


Have Annunication Receptivity

“Our mission from God is found in the commitments we currently find ourselves in. Other attempts to try and figure out God’s will are simply a fight against receptivity.” – Thomas Griffin


Make Easter Last

“If I am honest, the peak of Holy Week is profound but once Easter Sunday ends I go back to normal. This year, I am attempting to make that different.” – Thomas Griffin

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