Before I came to the Avila Foundation, I had a rewarding and very lucrative career in medical sales. It was energizing and I was using my gifts—I was literally helping people walk again. But one day, writing sales numbers down on my whiteboard, I caught sight of a flyer for the Avila Foundation sticking out from a pile of papers on my desk.

Why can’t I do this for Avila? 

God was planting a seed.

When I was offered a job here, I realized I could be part of a team making an eternal impact. I’d have to give up much of what the world called success and put my gifts in the service of a greater purpose. I’d been helping people find health and wholeness in a physical way—now it would be on a spiritual level.

I can’t say it wasn’t hard. I cried when I told my boss that I was leaving. I loved my sales team like a family.

But in the period of discernment, God had drawn me a scripture verse:

“There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear.” (1 John 4:18)

And it was true.

The fear dissolved as I stepped out in trust. The “daily bread” promised us has been mine ever since. The bread of faith. Of fulfillment. Of the confidence that comes from knowing I’m doing the Father’s will.

And I want to invite you to the same.

It’s my privilege every day to invite people like you into our mission: to use every modern means available to re-propose the authentic spiritual teachings of the Catholic Church. Through webinars, radio programs, books, courses, articles, retreats and more, we are offering souls an alternative to the spiritual saccharine of new-age practices—at best, worthless. At worst, incredibly dangerous.

Every year we serve thousands of people seeking true Catholic teaching and support in living a life of authentic Christian prayer. This is why I was drawn to Avila, too.

But did you know that many of those people are priests, seminarians, and men discerning the priesthood?

This has become an increasingly large and exciting part of our overall mission: To restore the Church through the formation, instruction, and healing of her priests and men discerning the priesthood. We’ve formed over 500 men in 83 dioceses!

We realize that in this time of crisis, we are called to help these men in whatever way we can. We offer classes, spiritual direction, retreats, and more.

As Dan suggested in his email, we must get his latest book into their hands. Finding Peace in the Storm holds critical answers to their most important questions. It holds the key to navigating the inevitable storms in their searching, praying, and serving.

It’s not a stretch to say it holds the key to the flourishing of the Church: seeing everything as part of the plan of divine providence and surrendering ourselves to the holy Will of God.

You can be a critical part of our mission by getting this book into the hands of the leaders—present and future—of our Church.

Will you make an impact in their lives, and in the Church’s future, by donating today?

Donate here:

I can’t thank you enough. Our donors are a constant source of joy to me. Their hope and faith are infectious. And I don’t ever regret giving up worldly success for the chance to come alongside people like you who’d sell everything for the ‘pearl of great price’.

Gratefully yours in Christ,

Ann Virnig

Director of Mission Engagement and Advancement

P.S. With your help, we can reach thousands of priests and seminarians and offer them the key to joy and peace. Will you please help us help them? Make your gift here:


Image: Depositphotos

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