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September 25, 2018: Resources Edition- James Day, Father Benedict

What was significant about the papacy of Pope Benedict XVI and what should we take away from his years as our pontiff? Join Dan Burke and Melissa Elson as they speak with author, James Day about his book, Father Benedict to address these questions and more

Topics/Questions Covered in the Show:

  • What was the inspiration behind the book?
  • What surprising about Pope Benedict’s papacy and writings?
  • How did Pope Benedict challenge modernism?
  • How did Pope Benedict’s personal, spiritual life and perspective of relationship with God shape his pontificate?
  • What is the devotion to the Holy Face and why was it significant to Pope Benedict?
  • What were some of the misunderstandings about Pope Benedict?
  • What is metanoia? Why is it a reoccuring theme in the book and in Pope Benedict’s pontificate?


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