Mindfulness and Catholic Mystical Tradition (Video)

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Mindfulness and Catholic Mystical Tradition

Is mindfulness a helpful practice and should a Catholic participate in in it? In this video Dan Burke compares mindfulness to Catholic mystical tradition and reveals the best way for Catholics to understand this practice. He also reveals the path they should take as they seek to deepen their faith and be more present to God and those whom He has placed in their care. Dan will also answer these important questions: Is this practice right for you? How does it compare to Catholic mystical tradition? Is there anything good in it? How does mindfulness and any good that might come from it relate to Nostra Aetate? What should I do if I am interested in the idea but concerned about staying within my Catholic tradition? What resources can help you pursue your interest in the topic?

A Note from Dan Burke:

Dear Friends, was this video a blessing to you? Do know others who might be blessed by it? Did you follow the link at the end of the video to the other resources we have prepared for you and those who also desire to know the life and peace that only God can give? Have we helped to encourage you to dig deeper in your faith? Please help us by sharing these videos on Facebook, through email, or whatever way that works best for you. Join with us in our desire to reignite the fires of prayer in the Church and bring about the renewal we so desperately desire to see from the Lord.

Yours in Christ,


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