Can I Trust? Series
Faithful to the Church?
Editor’s Note: We get many questions in regards to whether or not popular authors, or organizations, are faithful to the Church, her teachings and her Magisterium, and whether or not they should be read and/or followed. It is a wise person who asks! So, in a way, this listing of posts has been inspired by you, the readers. The following is an index of posts (and their links), found on our site, which evaluate whether the thought and teachings of particular people or organizations uphold authentic Catholicism, and whether or not, as Catholics, we should have confidence in them. We hope the posts will be useful to you! And, if you do not find what you are looking for here, please feel free to drop us a note.

- Can I Trust a Spiritual Director who Uses the Enneagram?
- Can I Trust Fr Anthony de Mello, SJ? (Part I of II)
- Can I Trust Fr Anthony de Mello, SJ? Update (Part II of II)
- Can I Trust the Writings of Fr Anthony de Mello? (Divine Intimacy Radio Show)
- Fr Anthony de Mello, Spiritual Direction and Discerning God’s Voice in Prayer (Divine Intimacy Radio Show)
- Can I Trust the Mercy Center Spiritual Direction Training Program?
- Can I Trust Opus Dei?
- Can I Trust Pierre Teilhard de Chardin?
- Can I Trust Spiritual Directors International?
- Catholicism and Buddhism – Clearing Up the Confusion
- Who Can I Trust?
Art for this post on whether or not a popular author or organization is faithful to the Church: Woman Helps a Nun in Israel, Peter van der Sluijs, own work, 24 October 2012, CCA-SA, Wikimedia Commons.