Veni Veni Emmanuel:
Veni Veni Emmanuel: This is an Advent music video, with Latin subtitles, of the stirring music of the hymn O Come, O Come Emmanuel, which is a metrical paraphrase of the O Antiphons. The first letters of the Antiphons are an acrostic which, in reverse, spell the Latin “Ero cras”, which means “Tomorrow, I Will Be There” or “Tomorrow, I Will Come.” The “O Antiphons” are a series of antiphons prayed both before the Gospel readings at Mass in the seven days before Christmas and also before the Magnificat at Evening Prayer, or Vespers, during that same time. There some evidence, in old writings at a Benedictine Abbey, which suggests the use of the antiphons as early as the 6th century, A.D. This particular version of Veni Veni Emmanuel is sung in Latin by the group Libera and it features clips from the movie “The Nativity”.