Tag: Advent

The Great Mystery is Accomplished

“Of all the works done by God in time and outside of Himself, the redemptive Incarnation of the Word is the greatest.” -Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen


Hypostatic Union – Mystical Union

“Prayer that binds this poverty of spirit around itself like swaddling clothes gives God the space and freedom to manifest anew Divine Humility at work in humble humanity.” – Dr. Anthony Lilles


Advent and the Pilgrimage of Pregnancy

“A beloved priest friend of mine asked, ‘What is it like to love someone you haven’t met yet?’ I didn’t have the words for it then, and I don’t now. Yet a line from the Psalms came quickly to mind: ‘When will I come to the end of my pilgrimage and behold the face of God?’” – Emma Adams


Five Advent Themes

“The heavens and the earth as we know it will pass away but we who are ready look forward with joy to a “new heavens and a new earth” where the justice of God will reside in all its fullness.” – Monsignor Charles Pope


Hoarding vs.Hope

“Most of us are hoarders in one way or another. It’s something we do to protect ourselves against feeling powerless, or against feeling grief.” – Fr. Derek Sakowski


Advent: A Sacred Ache

“It seemed like centuries of ache coursing through me. It blew through caverns in me I didn’t know were there. I gave in to it.  I gave it space to wail itself out.” – Claire Dwyer

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