Spiritual Direction Posts and Series Index

Dear Friends,
To make it easier for you to find key posts on spiritual direction, we have updated our Spiritual Direction Posts and Series Index page. As well, we have ordered the posts in a way in keeping with the flow of topics. These posts cover topics such as how to find and select a spiritual director, how to find a director whose is faithful to the Church and what She believes and teaches. They include such things as what makes for good spiritual direction and how to prepare for a meeting, what is a program of life (or rule of life) … and why it is so important to our spiritual progress and development. They include links to spiritual reading plan for both directees and directors, as well as what can be done if a person cannot find a good spiritual director, and whether or not one can be there own spiritual director.
Click here or go to the upper right hand corner of the site and click on “Spiritual Direction.” These posts deal with the process of spiritual direction and its challenges. They give tips on finding a spiritual director, as well as setting up a rule of life (also known as a program of life).
We hope the posts are of great assistance to you.
Seek Him – Find Him – Follow Him,