There is a New Version of the Liturgy of the Hours … and it’s known as The Mundelein Psalter
For those of you who love the Liturgy of the Hours but prefer more traditional forms and chant, the Mundelein Psalter is a beautiful work. Here are a few of the details about it:
- Translations of hymns proper to each ferial day and a selection of hymns for feasts and solemnities (taken from the editio typica).
- Music with the ancient modal settings is provided for each hymn. Hymns are also arranged to be sung with any long meter (lm) tune.
- It contains a collection of 14 optional modes that can be used as needed.
- It uses the Grail Psalms and contains Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, and Night Prayer.
- It also includes the Sanctoral cycle and the Office for the Dead as well as a Pastoral Implementation Guide for the progressive implementation of the Liturgy of the Hours in a parish setting.
It can be purchased by clicking here.
Art for this post on this new version of the Liturgy of the Hours known as The Mundelein Psalter: Book Cover of the Mundelein Psalter provided by Dan Burke and used with permission, all rights reserved.