What Does It Mean to Believe in Jesus? – Video
What Does Believe In Jesus Mean? | Spiritual Reflections Video Series – Join Dan Burke in his newest video discussing belief in Jesus.
What Does Believe In Jesus Mean? | Spiritual Reflections Video Series – Join Dan Burke in his newest video discussing belief in Jesus.
How do you get to know Jesus? How can mental prayer help me grow my relationship with him? – Spiritual Reflections Series | Video
There is a spiritual chasm in all of us. Where does it come from? What’s on the other side? How do we safely get across? – Spiritual Reflections
How can I tell the difference between Gods mercy and the devil’s mercy? – Spiritual Reflections Series | Video
How can I begin to understand authentic contemplative prayer when there are so many of the devil’s contemplatives out in the world?
How do you trust God when we are plagued with a lack of trust? – Spiritual Reflections Series – Video
Why do Saints Get up Early to Pray? – Spiritual Reflections Series | Video – Dan Burke reflects on how getting up early can be a big help in overcoming distractions in prayer.
Loneliness of the Way and the Comfort of God – Video Dan Burke (while sporting a crooked hat) reflects on the loneliness of those who chose to give their lives to God and the comfort God provides along the difficult path to heaven.
Dan Burke reflects on the importance of knowing ourselves and where we are on the path of spiritual development and how spiritual direction can help us overcome the common problem of self-deception.
Is talking at Mass a Sin? – Spiritual Reflections | Dan reflects on the question of whether or not it is a sin to talk in Mass.