Bumper Cars: Let Him Drive
“I felt like God was saying ‘Buckle up!’ as I prepared for a roller coaster ride. Only to find myself on bumper cars instead.” – Grace Abruzzo
“I felt like God was saying ‘Buckle up!’ as I prepared for a roller coaster ride. Only to find myself on bumper cars instead.” – Grace Abruzzo
“As I opened the door to leave, her faint but calm voice cried out, ‘Father!’ ‘Yes, sister,’ I said and turned towards her. ‘God is certain, do not be afraid of anything,’ she said.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock
“Far from meaningless, all our struggles and all our little deaths serve a greater purpose, in union with Jesus’ death and Resurrection.” – Kimberly Andrich
“Like Veruca Salt in the movie Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, we figuratively (or occasionally literally in my case) belt out, ‘Don’t care how—I want it now!'”
“I’ve often had the sense of being called “into the deep.” But at this point more than ever I saw that I could not go alone: to swim safely in the deep, I had to remain in the arms of the Father.” – Grace Abruzzo
Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell recounts the story of Cardinal Burke’s recovery and the power of prayer and trust in God.
Evil spirits of fear, panic and terror are everywhere trying to destroy our trust in God. The solution is clear: commend it all to the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts.
Christ’s delays are always to give a greater gift.
Dr. Anthony Lilles encourages us to see–and to fight–the spiritual battle in these difficult days.
What comes out when life’s trials and tribulations squeeze you? Stephanie Burke offers something to think about in these unprecedented days.