Exorcist Diary: Mentally Tormented by Demons
Sometimes, masked within the deceptive trappings of an OCD disorder, an actual attack by the Evil One. Monsignor Stephen Rossetti explains.
Sometimes, masked within the deceptive trappings of an OCD disorder, an actual attack by the Evil One. Monsignor Stephen Rossetti explains.
Listen in as Jordan Burke shares a dream that opened his eyes to the reality of what it means to be in spiritual combat.
There is no magic formula for the perfect prayer, only a continual turning to God and emptying of our will in imitation of Christ, David Torkington explains.
Can a demon attack someone mentally and physically? Father John Bartunek answers a reader’s question and explains various ways demons can cause us harm… and God’s power over them.
Do temptations and difficulties serve any real purpose in the spiritual life other than to annoy us? Find out when Thomas a Kempis reflects in this excerpt from his spiritual classic, the “Imitation of Christ”.
How do saints deal with persecution? Can Scripture help? Find out when Dan Burke and Melissa Elson reflect on Day 29 of Dan’s book “30 Days with Teresa of Avila” in this episode of Divine Intimacy Radio.
What is custody of the senses? And, should we practice it? Father John Bartunek examines this question and what we need to know about it.
Father Fortea, what order do the three temptations of Jesus in the desert follow? Is there any significance to this order? In the synoptic gospels,
Father Fortea, what can be done against temptation? We must immediately resist it with the help of God’s grace. A temptation is harmless if we
Father Fortea, do demons have a plan when tempting us? Remember: a demon is a spiritual being that possesses a greater intelligence than ours. Therefore,