Category: Ignatian Spirituality

Resolution: Becoming Authentically Catholic

“What would Jesus’ new year resolution be for you? His deep desire is that each of us grows close to Him, day by day. He has given to us His own mother to help us because no one can survive in this world without the love and guidance of His mother.” – Debra Black


Things I’ve Learned in Spiritual Direction, Part 3: The Lies We Listen To

“We hear variations of the lie that we are ‘not enough.’ And yet we have the precise gifts for our particular family, for our exact calling, for this specific cross, in this time, at this place, for this season.  God promises only daily bread, and it is made to order.  We do not have the grace for anyone else’s life—or even for tomorrow—but we have all we need to become more fully ourselves, which is more like Christ, today.” – Claire Dwyer

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