The Promise and Peril of Apologetics
“But although apologetics is an important tool, it can be misused. If one elevates apologetics beyond its appropriate sphere, it can become positively dangerous.” – Dr. David Anders
“But although apologetics is an important tool, it can be misused. If one elevates apologetics beyond its appropriate sphere, it can become positively dangerous.” – Dr. David Anders
“In preparation for Lent, take this short self-test for pridefulness: How do you take correction? How teachable are you?” – Monsignor Charles Pope
“If the way of contemplation and discipleship that the Lord calls me to embrace becomes just about how I will serve on my terms, what I am owed, or retribution then I will follow an apparent angel of light who is a deceiver. Without such child-like vigilance, I easily can reecho the cry of Lucifer, I will not serve.” – Fr. Matthew MacDonald
The seven capital sins can be be deeply helpful clues to lead us back to God.
How does excusing our faults blind us? Fr. Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen explains in this excerpt from his classic Carmelite meditation book “Divine Intimacy”.
What were St. Bernard’s ideas about humility and pride? Dr. Anthony Lilles reflects on this vision, with application to Lent.
What lessons does Jesus’ hidden life teach us? Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen reflects on this excerpt from the classic Carmelite meditation book “Divine Intimacy”.
Is it a Sin to Put Yourself Down? “Oh, I’m so inept! I can’t do anything right!” There are endless variations of the self-deprecating rants. They
Dear Father John, I have been struggling with some interior trials with forgiveness, resentment and jealousy. I call this “inner ugliness.” I have been praying