The Center of the Fold
How do we follow our Shepherd? Debra Black has wisdom for Gaudete Sunday.
How do we follow our Shepherd? Debra Black has wisdom for Gaudete Sunday.
Leila Lawler gives encouragement in beginning or renewing a deep devotion to the ancient liturgical year.
Pentecost is coming – prepare for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit with this powerful novena!
Dr. Anthony Lilles reflects on Divine Mercy and the devotion of Divine Mercy, and calls us to open up the floodgates of mercy!
David Torkington reveals the connection between the Easter mysteries and the mystic way of prayer.
Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen reflects on the Eucharist, the gift of Love, instituted by Christ on Holy Thursday night.
Why is the Cross good for us? Why do we need passive suffering?
A short reflection on this Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord by Liz Estler drawing from various sources.
St. Francis brought back to life the humanity of Jesus Christ in the minds and in the imaginations of his contemporaries.
Dr. Anthony Lilles offers a reflection on Advent’s gentle invitation to deeper love and conversion.