The Man of Sorrows
Wednesday of Holy Week Presence of God – O suffering Jesus, grant that I may read in Your Passion Your love for me. MEDITATION
Wednesday of Holy Week Presence of God – O suffering Jesus, grant that I may read in Your Passion Your love for me. MEDITATION
The Meek Lamb Tuesday of Holy Week Presence of God – O Jesus, give me the grace to penetrate the abyss of sorrow made
A prayerful reading of the Gospels readings on Monday through Wednesday of Holy Week will aid to deepen our contemplation of the Passion of Christ.
The Daily Cross Presence of God – O Jesus Crucified, help me, by the merits of Your Cross, to carry my cross daily. MEDITATION
Blind Obedience Presence of God – O Jesus, who out of love for me were willing to submit to Your own creatures, teach me
Free Sacrifice of Liberty Presence of God – O Jesus, divine Lamb, immolated voluntarily for the glory of the Father, make me understand the great
True Glory Presence of God – O Jesus, who, for love of me, accepted the disgrace of death on the Cross, teach me what
To Be Hidden from Myself Presence of God— O Jesus, totally consecrated to the glory of the Father through complete forgetfullness of Yourself, teach me
The Lowest Place Presence of God— O Jesus, You who said, “The Son of man is not come to be ministered unto, but to minister”
Humiliations Presence of God – O Jesus, humbled to abjection for me, teach me to humble myself for love of You. MEDITATION Many souls