A Season of Restoration
Debra Black provides a beautiful reflection on the restorative aspect of Lent.
Debra Black provides a beautiful reflection on the restorative aspect of Lent.
How does God restore years? Claire Dwyer reflects on the years of waiting before St. Elizabeth of the Trinity entered the convent.
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“Grilles, distance, time, nothing, it seems to me, will be able to separate our souls; for we love each other in God, and in Him, there is no separation!” Claire Dwyer shares on St. Elizabeth of the Trinity and the Communion of Saints.
St. Elizabeth of the Trinity was no stranger to the Works of Mercy. We can imitate her charity–and it may be easier and closer than we think, Claire Dwyer shares.
Interior recollection is one of the keys to peace in a world that would like to claim us for itself. Claire Dwyer continues her reflections on the spirituality of St. Elizabeth of the Trinity.
When we surrender ourselves and our dearest things to Mary, she will determine the hour for their fulfillment, just as she did at Cana. St. Elizabeth of the Trinity discovers this in Claire Dwyer’s next in the series.
St. Elizabeth of the Trinity lived a Eucharistic life, wherever she was, whatever she was doing. “You have no need of the Sacrament to come to me,” she said. Claire Dwyer resumes her series.
Nothing is wasted in the Economy of God–this mysterious, wonderful reality has us all implicated in each other’s salvation. Claire Dwyer is always amazed at the perfection of God’s plans.
Some join for a day, others for a lifetime. Some hold whole handfuls of people they long to see in full reconciliation with Christ. All who become members of this club, however, wish they weren’t members. The first step in turning this pain from a defining ache in your heart into an act of giving and prayer, is to name the reality of the hurt.