Category: Saints

Michael the Archangel

Many of us call upon St. Michael daily as a defender and protector. But in what sense does he protect? And what is the battle really about? Fr. Derek Sakowski explains.


The Way of St. Andrew

“The way of St. Andrew is the way of humility and abandonment. It comes with knowing that when we set out to accomplish what God has asked of us, we do not need to worry about the accolades.” – Thomas Griffin


Exorcist Diary: Demons Cast Out By the Saints

“The three consecutive days of intensive exorcism sessions were focused on and filled with hours of invoking the saints. Again and again, the demons shouted, “Not that name! Not that name!” – Monsignor Stephen Rossetti


The Temple of the Trinity

“The grace of baptism is the grace to become God-bearers, and the call for us now is to awaken to the grace and live it freely. But how? A stunning example of someone who was fully aware of the indwelling, and taught us how to live consciously and freely according to that grace, is Saint Ignatius of Antioch.” – Fr. James Brent, O.P.


John Paul II: The Light Always Wins

“For John Paul II, the beginning and the end were similar in that they were defined by difficulty and trial. In the midst of so much hardship and pain, he was looked upon as a beacon of hope.” – Thomas Griffin


Book Review: The Devil in the Castle

“Dan Burke has introduced me to a saintly friend who is not beyond me at all, but who wants to guide me beyond the outer chamber of my soul and into its very depths. For she knows that in the interior castle I will find the love and light of the Lord Who deeply wants to share that inner chamber with me.” – Sarah Damm

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