Category: Sacraments

The Real Presence

“The Eucharist makes the presence of Jesus with us a permanent one.” – Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen


Meeting Jesus in the Eucharist

“Although I was raised Catholic and had gone to CCD every year of my childhood and adolescence, I realized that I had been catechized, not evangelized. I had been taught all of the Church’s many teachings, but I had never been introduced to Jesus “one-to-one,” as Mother Teresa says.”- Carrie Miller


Exorcist Diary: Demons Are Without Remorse

“Demons are beyond hope. In their absolute and irrevocable rejection of Jesus, they have rejected God’s mercy. However, we humans are never beyond hope in this life, even at our last breath.” – Monsignor Stephen Rossetti


The Eucharistic Sacrifice

“The essence of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ is simply the offering of himself out of love and obedience to the Father, but the manner in which he offers himself and the conditions under which he does so vary.” – Fr. James Brent, O.P.


The Heavenly Bread

“Though our weeks might be busy and our schedules might be full, the real reason to live is on Sunday. The real reason to live is the Eucharist.” – Fr. James Brent, O.P.

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