Persevering Through Imperfection, Part II
“Consider whether God is calling you to add, subtract, shift, or simplify certain commitments so that you can meet Him with greater vulnerability and consistency.” – Megan Hjelmstad
“Consider whether God is calling you to add, subtract, shift, or simplify certain commitments so that you can meet Him with greater vulnerability and consistency.” – Megan Hjelmstad
“As I slowly work through a re-reading of the diary, I’m slowly working on seeing the world through the lens of God’s mercy.” – Danielle Bean
“Though I still frequently have the sense that I have lost a piece of myself, the reality is quite different. As I allow God to work in this loss, I am becoming more myself.” – Kimberly Andrich
“Look to your Mother who rests her ear to the ground just above your prison cell.” – Rob Marco
“Humbled, I recommitted to what I knew to be true: the spiritual life is better as a sit-down dinner than a drive-through. And in both eating and praying, I needed to allow myself the necessary luxury of slow.” – Claire Dwyer
“In surrender, I’ve found strength, not weakness; freedom, not confinement. I’ve discovered that in letting go, I am held more closely than ever by the One who loves us most.” – Mary Lenaburg
“The Light that shines from the Mother of God reveals the true freedom and warmth of love. Not sentimental well-wishing. Not empty words.” – Dr. Anthony Lilles
“Only after we offer the oblation can God truly heal it, restore it, transform it, make it into something new. Do with it what He wills.” – Sarah Damm
“My eyes were opened to how precise and beautiful God’s plan is—that the living out of our vocation purposefully, intentionally, of giving in and giving way and saying yes to every cry and every sticky summons and sleepless night—and saying no to what my wounded nature wanted so badly—was a radical kind of inner house cleaning.” – Claire Dwyer
“When news broke that the Supreme Court was planning on overturning Roe v. Wade, the protests began almost immediately. In some, women showed up at Catholic Masses dressed in the famous ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ costumes in protest of what they saw as the Catholic Church’s misogynistic meddling in American politics. What they missed is the fact that the most famous woman called a handmaid is described by that Church as the Queen of Heaven and Earth.” – Taryn DeLong