The Mystery of the Incarnation
How does the mystery of the Incarnation present itself to us? Enter into Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen’s reflection on the immensity of God’s love becoming flesh for us.
How does the mystery of the Incarnation present itself to us? Enter into Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen’s reflection on the immensity of God’s love becoming flesh for us.
What does the call of the Divine Bridegroom sound like? Dr. Anthony Lilles shares his insights with us on these last few days of Advent.
How does Saint Bernard of Clairvaux understand the response Mary gave at the Annunciation? Find out as we relive this Advent Homily of his in three parts, concluding today with part three.
Want to pray a great Christmas Novena? Join the Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles as they meditate on Las Posadas, the journey of Mary and Joseph from Nazareth to Bethlehem.
What does St Bernard of Clairvaux imagine that Mary was thinking at the Annunciation? Find out as we relive this Advent Homily of his in three parts, continuing today with part two.
What does St Bernard of Clairvaux have to say about the Annunciation and the Blessed Virgin’s Consent? Journey with us as we relive this Advent Homily of his in three parts, beginning today with Part I, wherein he reflects on the Kingdom of David and the House of Jacob, over which the King of Kings would reign.
What spiritual symbolism is contained in the Isaiahan prophecy that a virgin would conceive? Find out when St. Bernard of Clairvaux continues his explication of this Scriptural passage, in part II of II of another of his famous Advent homilies.
How might one interpret Isaiah’s words to Ahaz “Ask for a sign” … and Ahaz’s response that he will not? Find out when St. Bernard of Clairvaux begins his explication of the prophecy that a virgin shall conceive, in another of his famous Advent homilies.
What are the fifth and sixth circumstances of the Advent of Our Lord according to Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, Doctor of the Church? Find out in the last installation of this three-part series on St Bernard’s first Advent Homily.
What are the second, third and fourth circumstances of the Advent of Our Lord according to Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, Doctor of the Church? Find out in the second installation of this three-part series on St Bernard’s first Advent Homily.